EDU: 401.2 WEEKLY REVIEW - SEVENTH WEEK 24/07/2023- Monday Today as usual reached School, attended the school assembly. Today I got a substitution period for 1st hour, there english notes were given to the students, they were in the beginning reluctant to write notes. Then being very strict most of the students brought the note and then their reading skills were tested on each students . Then on 6th hour i had a class for 8th, there I took the topic distance and displacement. With the help of ICT the pictures related to the concept is discussed. 25/07/2023- Tuesday Today as usual reach the school attended the morning assembly. After assembly I arranged my chart and other teaching equipments and got prepared for my first period class. I took the topic uniform and non uniform velocity the concept is made clear by giving examples of a moving car and other life based situations. while giving activity cards and distra...