EDU 302.1: Weekly Review
Day 1[ 1/11/2022]Today was the first day of the Teaching Practice session . I reached St Aloysius Higher Secondary School by 9:15 am. The Head Master Mr. Sujith gave a warm welcome to the teacher trainees quoting the words "Don't fail yourself as a teacher before a 15 year old child". He also gave advices from his long years of teaching experience. I was not able to engage my class during my period as students were called for a program 'KUTTICHANGALA' initiated by the government for spreading awareness on 'NO TO DRUGS'. I also volunteered to conduct a quiz competition on 'KERALA PIRAVI' celebration for high school students.Today started with the topic Metals- properties of metals . I gave life based examples based on the topic . Pupils were interested to participate in activities and enjoyed the ICT enabled lesson.
Day 2[2/11/22]
Today as usual i reached the school, i took a substitution class for 8th. I taught them some basic communication English, all were very happy to speak in English. Then again i got a substitution for 8th were i had chemistry for them. All students actively responded and did their activity card.
Day 3[3/11/22]
Today i taught 2 classes physics chapter. morning session we had a cycle rally being conducted as a part of anti-drug campaign. I took one extra substitution class, there i did some games and breathing exercises for students. St Aloysius school won the overall sports championship.
Day 4[4/11/22]
Today i got two classes and took chemistry for both 8th and 9th . Then with time left,i asked students ambitions and gave some valuable information for them. I realized students are more active when lessons are taken with the help of PowerPoint and videos.
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